Holistic Aviation Advisory

Aviation Consultancy

Our expertise transcends recruitment and traverses a range of aviation specialisms.

Aerviva — the choice of aviation professionals

Leveraging our unparalleled expertise and in-depth understanding of the aviation sector, we are positioned as industry leaders, delivering services that extend far beyond just crew selection and placement. Our comprehensive suite of offerings is designed to address the multifaceted needs of aviation businesses, ensuring operational excellence and strategic growth.

Our services include

Aircraft Transaction Advisory

We provide expert advice on buying, selling, and leasing aircraft, guiding our clients through complex transactions with strategic insights and risk assessments.

Fleet Planning and Selection

Our team assists in the strategic planning and selection of aircraft fleets, ensuring alignment with your business objectives, operational requirements, and financial constraints.

Safety Evaluations

We conduct thorough safety evaluations, assessing compliance with industry standards and regulations, and identifying areas for improvement to ensure the utmost safety of operations.

Maintenance Oversight

Our maintenance oversight services ensure that your aircraft are maintained to the highest standards, reducing downtime, and extending the lifespan of your fleet.

Aircraft Registration and Ownership Transitions

We facilitate the registration process and manage ownership transitions, ensuring a smooth and compliant transfer of assets.

Logistics for Lease Initiations and Conclusions

From the commencement to the conclusion of aircraft leases, we handle all logistical aspects, ensuring that transitions are executed smoothly and efficiently.

We aim to enhance operational efficiency, reinforce aviation safety, and streamline procedural workflows within the aviation sector. We understand the complexities and challenges faced by our clients and are committed to delivering value-driven, innovative solutions that address these challenges head-on.

Whether it’s optimizing fleet operations, navigating regulatory landscapes, or managing asset transitions, our comprehensive approach ensures our clients achieve their strategic objectives while maintaining the highest standards of safety and compliance.

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