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With the pilot and cabin crew demand high, the aviation professionals are in search for the best offers out there. Most professionals take on the task to handle the job search themselves, but not all know about the help aviation personnel leasing companies can provide – and advantages it gives.

When it comes to career in the aviation industry, pilots and cabin crew can face various challenges through the process of securing the best offer for them. When looking for a job offer independently, a number of hours are spent searching for a perfect fit regarding roster patterns and location according to experience and training. This can add unnecessary stress for pilots and cabin crew, and, in some cases, lead to rushed decisions made amid high pressure to secure a position as soon as possible. Alison Dsouza, Director of Aerviva Aviation Consultancy, a Dubai-based international consultancy, specializing in aviation recruitment and document management, explains that in these situations aviation personnel leasing companies tend to offer advantages.

“Looking from years of experience in the industry, working for a personnel leasing company gives the candidate most benefits, despite how they prefer to work – something that can be a rare find when taking on the task independently. Contrary to a few of the floating stereotypes, leasing companies are very transparent with pilots and cabin crew members. These companies act as a mediator between two parties to reach faster resolutions if and when required.”

Dsouza adds that personnel leasing companies, too, tend to guarantee better communication at all times, and especially to prevent any misinterpretations. Years of experience in this particular aviation segment is an additional green check mark. Companies also ensure timely pay and flexibility – two of the most important things in the post-pandemic landscape, as a number of aviation companies are working their way out of the COVID-19-indused stagnation.

“If we’d zero in on the difference between the number of job offers one receives independently and while working through a personnel leasing company, the latter usually has a wider pool of job offers for pilots and cabin crew,» notes Dsouza. “Three to four job offers at the least as the demand pool and outreach of personnel leasing companies is much higher than that of an individual approach. The companies do a direct match of requirements; hence, the job offer rations are much higher.”

As the pilot and cabin crew demand seems to continue further into the year, securing the right job offer could be a challenge – if the aviation professionals are taking into consideration preferred pay range, schedule and location. This becomes a tougher challenge if professionals are diving headfirst into in independently. Aviation personnel leasing companies, on the other hand, could be the solution needed to find and seal a perfect match.